Meetings and Programs

The Red River Quilters meet on the first Monday of each month in Pierce Hall at Broadmoor United Methodist Church, 3715 Youree Drive, Shreveport.  You have two meetings to choose from: Afternoon Meeting at 1:00 and Evening Meeting at 6:00, but you might want to come early to shop the give-away table and visit with fellow quilters.

Each meeting consists of an educational program, announcements, an abbreviated business meeting, and our favorite—Show and Tell. Members share their quilts and quilt stories.

In July and December, we have a night meeting only at 6:00 p.m. where we share a potluck dinner, conduct any needed business, and play quilt related games.

Upcoming Events



April 7—Tips and Tricks for Piecing Quilts with Curves. Charlene Carver. Show and Tell: Please bring your Quilts with Curves.

May 5—AllBrands Fabric Boutique. Upgrading your Sewing Room with Our Favorite Tools.

June 2—Sew Chic. Elizabeth Hernandez

July 7—July Social. Members bring dishes to share a meal followed by an auction to benefit service projects. Night meeting only. Arrive at 5:00 p.m. to shop. Meal at 6:00 p.m. followed by live auction.

August 4—Piecing 101. Nina Taylor.

September 1—Ugly Quilt Contest. Members compete for unique titles and prizes.

October 6—Delphia Matthews. Whimsical Quilting.

November 3—Shreveport Sewing Center. Melody Cobb and Debbie Ristig

December 1—Christmas Social. Members bring dishes to share a meal followed by a fun game. Come at 5 p.m. to socialize. Meal at 6:00 p.m.

Do you have an idea/suggestion for a Guild program?  Have a technique or topic you'd like to present? Contact Programs/Workshops Chair.